Why Sustainable?

Time To Act

Aside from a small percentage that is incinerated, almost every piece of plastic ever made still exists today and most will ultimately end up in landfill or the ocean. Indeed without change the amount of plastic in the ocean will outweigh all fish by 2050.

As cyclists we are right to be proud of the environmental and physical benefits of our sport, however there is a cost. The jerseys, bib shorts we use are, in the main, made from virgin plastic – based, synthetic fabrics so the more of this kit that is produced, the more we are adding to the problem.

Time To Act

Aside from a small percentage that is incinerated, almost every piece of plastic ever made still exists today and most will ultimately end up in landfill or the ocean. Indeed without change the amount of plastic in the ocean will outweigh all fish by 2050. As cyclists we are right to be proud of the environmental and physical benefits of our sport, however there is a cost. The jerseys, bib shorts we use are, in the main, made from virgin plastic – based, synthetic fabrics so the more of this kit that is produced, the more we are adding to the problem.

Change Is Easier Than Ever

There is an alternative and you now have a choice;

The technology exists to remove and recycle plastic waste and produce new synthetic fabrics with no difference in look, performance or feel to virgin fabrics.

We use these certified sustainable fabrics in creating our Empty Roads apparel so that we aren’t adding to the problem – we are working to reduce it.

Change Is Easier Than Ever

There is an alternative and you now have a choice; The technology exists to remove and recycle plastic waste and produce new synthetic fabrics with no difference in look, performance or feel to virgin fabrics. We use these certified sustainable fabrics in creating our Empty Roads apparel so that we aren’t adding to the problem – we are working to reduce it.